Before & After

Before & After

MidAmerica Basement Systems Before & After Photos

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WaterGuard Drainage System Installed in Rock Island, IL Basement

Ben of Rock Island, IL was experiencing a damp,musty basement. He called MidAmerica Basement Systems and met with design specialist Mike Banks, who designed a custom solution for Ben and his home. The solution includes full perimeter WaterGuard, a TripleSafe Sump Pump with a buried discharge line, and now Ben's basement is finally dry!

Rock Island Home's Basement Gets Waterproofed with Drainage System

Amy of Rock Island, IL was having trouble with water coming in through the foundation walls of the basement. She contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems, and design specialist Mac McDaniel created a custom solution for Amy and her home. The solution includes patented WaterGuard sub-floor drainage system, and a TripleSafe Sump Pump. Amy is thrilled the basement is finally dry, and plans to have EverLast Wall Restoration products installed, as well. 

Radon Mitigation in 1950's Home in Rock Island, IL.

New radon mitigation system in Rock Island, IL.

Basement Waterproofing in Rock Island, IL Home

Standing water in a basement is no laughing matter, but more of a stressful weight on your shoulders. Homeowner Mike B. of Rock Island called the Experts at MidAmerica Basement Systems to resolve his issue once and for all. Upon assessment, MidAmerica Basement Systems preformed the waterproofing installation project using the WaterGuard system and TripeSafe sump pump. Now during rain storms, whether they are light or heavy, Mike can rest assure that his basement will no longer be a wading pool of stress, but instead a dry and worry-free basement.

WaterFlow Waterproofing System in Rock Island, IL.

The newly waterproofing system in Rock Island, IL. 

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IllinoisIowa Our Locations:

MidAmerica Basement Systems
4525 Buckeye Street
Davenport, IA 52802