Before & After

Before & After

MidAmerica Basement Systems Before & After Photos

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Drainage System Installed in Rock Island, IL Home

Rita G. of Rock Island had always had an issue with water getting in to her basement and would continuously get out her shop vac to clean up the mess. After several days of rainfall, Rita had, had enough of cleaning up the mess herself! She made the call to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have a TripleSafe Sump Pump installed. To help with the water control, CleanSpace was added to help direct the flow of water down the walls to the WaterGuard System. Now Rita’s basement stays dry, and her shop vac stays in storage.

Radon Mitigation Installation in Rock Island, IL

One day Irene was reading an article about Radon and how deadly it can be, and how a simple Radon Test Kit can detect the deadly levels of gas. Her results were shocking! Her average ratings read 12.9 pCi/l (normal home levels should be 4 pCi/l – according to the EPA). A specialist from MidAmerica Basement System was sent to Irene’s home to install a Radon Mitigation System and Breathe EZ air filters. Now Irene and her husband can breathe safely.

IceGuard and LawnScape Installed at Rock Island, IL Home

Marilyn was having issues of her sump pump pipes backing up during heavy rains. She called MidAmerica Basement Systems to help address the issue. During the inspection, it was found that her discharge line was too small for her sump pump, and during heavy rains, the pipes couldn’t keep up with the amount of water that was being pumped out. They recommended that she install IceGuard and LawnScape with the new discharge line. IceGuard prevents water from freezing in the discharge line and LawnScape allows for the discharge line to be placed under ground and out of site.

Rock Island, IL Basement Chooses ThermalDry Flooring

Is your basement flooring fit for your basement? Because basement floors are usually made up of concrete, this puts your flooring at risk, even if you have a waterproofing system. Concrete is porous, causing it to be damp at times, and it is always cold. Dampness causes your flooring to buckle, rot, and mold, and no matter what type of flooring you have, it is always cold from the concrete. Now you don’t have to worry about any of those issues! ThermalDry Flooring is a great, long-lasting flooring system specially made for basements. ThermalDry is a snap-togther flooring tile. It provides a thermal break between the basement floor and tile, while allowing air to pass under the tiles, keeping them dry. Another key feature that ThermalDry flooring offers is water resistant tiles and carpets. When you finish your basement floor, make sure it’s with the ThermalDry flooring system from MidAmerica Basement Systems.

Rock Island, IL Home has Radon Mitigation System Installed to Better Air Quality

David of Rock Island was having high levels of Radon in his home reaching 6.9 pCi/L. Radon is a very dangerous gas that can go unnoticed without proper testing. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer and is found both outside and inside your home. High levels in your home can be minimized with the proper installation of a mitigation system from MidAmerica Basement Systems. Radon mitigation system help provide better air quality for you and your family to breathe by discharging the Radon back outside where it can diffuse properly.

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IllinoisIowa Our Locations:

MidAmerica Basement Systems
4525 Buckeye Street
Davenport, IA 52802