Before & After

Before & After

MidAmerica Basement Systems Before & After Photos

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Correcting Bowing Wall in Muscatine, IA

JD was having issues with walls bowing along his basement and quickly made a call to MidAmerica Basement Systems. It was proposed to have a PowerBrace system installed to address the bowing walls. PowerBraces are a patented I-beam system that allow for tightening over time to increase to appearance of the wall. This I-beam system prevents the walls from bowing while providing a stable support for the rest of the home.

Moldy Basement Walls Get a New Look in Muscatine, IA

Laurette had a previous waterproofing system previous, but was still having issues with mold growing. During evaluation, it was noted that water was seeping in through foundation cracks, leaving moisture in the air, causing the mold to grow. It was proposed that she had a SaniDry CX installed to eliminate the moisture in the air, and installed BrightWall over the existing foundation walls. BrightWall gives a clean, bright look to the basement, while providing a moisture barrier. BrightWall is made of waterproof rigid plastic, that you will never have to worrying about painting, chipping, warping, molding or rotting. Mold has now been tackled in Laurette’s basement, and BrightWall has transformed her nasty basement walls into something beautiful.

Restoring Damaged Basement Walls in Muscatine, IA

David had wet basement issues that had ruined portions of his finished walls. After his waterproofing system was installed, he was unsure what to do about the wall situation until EverLast Wall Restoration was offered by MidAmerica Basement Systems. EverLast Wall panels are made of inorganic material that prevents them from absorbing moisture, making them ideal for basement settings. David can now rest assure that his basement walls will not become damaged due to water and moisture, and EverLast Wall panels also give him a beautiful finished basement look! 

No More Water in Muscatine, IA Basement

Andy and Megan were having issues with water entering their basement every time a large amount a rain came. They reached out to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have a waterproofing system installed and fix their problem once and for all. Mac had suggested they install a WaterGuard drain and a TripleSafe. The WaterGuard helps collect and direct any water that tries to seep into the home, and the TripleSafe discards it back out. Andy and Megan no longer worry about the heavy rains.

Old, Worn-out Sump Pump is Replaced by a TripleSafe in Muscatine, IA

Joshua was having concerns about his sump pump. He had recently purchased a new home but when it rained, the pump didn’t seem to work properly. He reached out to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have his system inspected. It was offered that he replace the old one, that could at any time quit working due to years of use. A TripleSafe offered to be installed. The TripleSafe offers three different pumps in one system. The primary pump, secondary pump, and a battery backup pump. Joshua can now continue living in his new home without the worry of the waterproofing system quitting on him.

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IllinoisIowa Our Locations:

MidAmerica Basement Systems
4525 Buckeye Street
Davenport, IA 52802