MidAmerica Basement Systems is in the business of helping your basement, foundation or crawlspace become deal makers, not deal breakers.
MidAmerica Basement Systems is in the business of helping your basement, foundation or crawlspace become deal makers, not deal breakers.
Foundation settlement issues do not get better on their own; they only get worse. Learn how to spot the warning...
At MidAmerica Basement Systems, we know that sometimes trying to get work done on your home is a bit of...
Crawlspaces affect air quality in your home, are often home to pests like mice, spiders, and other unwanted tenants, and...
MidAmerica Basement Systems Owner Howard Tatge helps in "Extreme Impact" event in Panama.
National Radon Awareness Month comes annually the first month of the year, January. Radon is so toxic that the Environmental...
Our team members rest easy at night knowing they are doing good work, and serving their community.
It is not fun to walk on cold floors. Read more here to learn how to keep your floors warm...
MidAmerica Basement Systems depends on reviews - good or bad - from homeowners so we can continue to learn, grow,...
The holidays are near! Maximize the usable space in your home and increase the resale value by finishing your basement.
As it starts to get colder, the energy bill gets higher for most families. Insulating your basement (or crawls pace)...
First of all, encapsulating your crawl space could lower your bills, and save you money!
The best compliment is a referral. If you're a fan of MidAmerica Basement Systems, a past customer, a current customer,...
Come see us at one of these fun fall events!
Working with MidAmerica Basement Systems is not the typical experience.
Have a problem in your home? It might be better to fix it, and recoup the value, than sell as...
We're hiring great people. Are you going to be one of them?
MidAmerica Basement Systems now proudly offers ThermalDry Elite Plank Flooring.
One of the very best ways to increase the value of your home is to add an egress window.
The National Radon Defense network has created a new informational booklet on toxic radon gas. This book is free with...
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