We Have the Drainage Solutions to Protect Your Foundation
To prevent water damage in your basement, a proper drainage solution is necessary. Without the proper drainage solution, water will pool up and can cause extensive water damage to your home. A drainage system collects any water that is a threat to your home and channels it far away, preventing any risk of water damage.
There are several products on the market for basement drainage. At MidAmerica Basement Systems, we use two types of drains to give you the proper waterproofing to protect your home:

- Trench Drain: A system designed to keep water from entering the home through doorways and stairways. As the water tries to enter through doorways and stairways the Trench Drain will collect the water and drain it to a perimeter drainage system or sump pump. It will prevent water damage to the basement while keeping it dry. It is designed with a removable cover to clean out the system if necessary and a flange side to anchor into the concrete flooring.

- Catch Basin: Designed to collect rainwater and snow as it runs or melts off. As the water drains to them it is collected and transported to an underground piping system to flow to a river or another destination. A Catch Basin can be used to maintain a clean system and a free-flowing system. A Catch Basin can usually be found in streets, parking lots, and in the yard. The purpose of the drain is to prevent flooding. It is also known as a storm drain.
The specialists at MidAmerica Basement Systems will customize a drainage solution that will meet your home’s needs. We have helped homeowners protect their homes for nearly 30 years. Our waterproofing drainage systems protect your home from extensive water damage. Contact us today for your free quote!