Did a friend, neighbor, or relative tell you about us?
MidAmerica Basement Systems is proud to offer savings on your project through our referral program. Serving the Cedar Rapids area for 35 years, we have a reputation for delivering great results and customer satisfaction. When you are referred to us, you can save $200 on gutters or $100 on waterproofing, foundation repair, or radon services, and the person who referred you will receive a reward check for sharing their positive experience. This is a win-win for everyone! Our referral offers are just one way we show our appreciation for your business and the trust you put in us for your home repairs.
Request a FREE on-site estimate by filling in the contact form with your information and the name of the person who referred you. After the work on your home is completed, you'll receive a discount on your project and we'll send whoever referred you a reward check.
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