Before Installation
The side of the home that requires stabilizing and lifting.
Preparing Excavation
The team takes every precaution to ensuring the least amount of disturbance from installation by making a pathway for the excavator. Also, the plywood is where the team will place the soil that has been excavated.
The team begins installation by excavating the soil to gain access to the base of the foundation.
Footing Preparation
During the installation, a section of the footing is exposed and cut for each bracket.
Driving Helical Piers
These piers are driven into the soils underneath the foundation, then each pier is connected to the structure's foundation via a steel bracket.
Steel Foundation Brackets
Foundation brackets connect the driven pier to the base of the foundation.
Initializing Lift
Once all of the components are in place, the team uses hydraulic pressure to initialize the lifting and stabilizing of the home.
Back Filling
The team uses the excavator to back fill the soil.
Project Completed
The finished project with soil back filled and home lifted and stabilized!