Photo Album: Waterproofing Service in Hennepin, IL
Last year homeowner Paul had a waterproofing system installed in his home. MidAmerica Basement SYstems contacted him when his system was due for its annual service appointment. It is important to have your system's service every year to make sure that they are working properly and also make sure that they last a long time. When they serve the system they flush the WaterGuard system to make sure that there is no block in the system. Also included in a service is the cleaning of your sump pump and also they make sure that all of the parts of the system are working properly.
After the system has been serviced.
Water in the system could lead to system failure. It is important to have them serviced regularly.
Sump Pump
The sump pump had a large amount of water in it meaning they a pump that was not working properly.
Before the system is flushed you can see it has standing water.