Homeowner Robert has lived in her home for over 40 years. They recently notice that they were getting water in their basement. When they contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems they were interested in learning why they were having problems with water. After meeting with design specialists Troy Hamilton, they knew that they needed a full perimeter WaterGuard systems and a new sump pump. The WaterGuard system and TripleSafe sump pump are a great duo in keeping your home waterproofed. The TripleSafe sump pump is a three-pump system that comes with a battery backup and a WaterWatch Alarm. The battery backup is used during the potential loss of power. The WaterWatch Alarm is used to alert you in the case the pump ever comes close to overflowing.
New sump pump.
WaterGuard system and CleanSpace.
CleanSpace liner is used to keep the walls dry,
WaterGuard is an underground water system that is the full perimeter of your basement.