Keeping Storage Area Safe With WaterGuard in LynnCenter, IL
Homeowner, Adamo was having a water leak in his basement. It was not a big problem at the moment, but he was worried if this problem would continue it would ruin his storage area. He heard that waterproofing a basement was a way to fix a water leak, but he did not want it to take away his functional space. He used his basement for storage and did not want to give that up.
He contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems and Design Specialist, Brandon was able to come out to Adamo's home to take a look at his basement. He recommended that the best solution would be having his basement fully waterproofed. WaterGuard was one of the systems that was installed in Adamo's basement. WaterGuard is a piping system that is installed around the perimeter of the basement. It collects water around the perimeter and drains the water safely, unseen to the sump pump to be drained out of the basement. This allows Adamo to enjoy his basement and not have to worry about water coming into his storage area any longer.